What most of us want is all around success, but no one can be an all around success with out financial independence. No matter how much good a person may want to do, he is handicapped by a lack of money. All the air castles that he has built, all the beautiful plans that he has created; all the cherished desires to do good- all go unfulfilled because there is no money with which to complete them. Before these air castles can become real building, before these plans can become realities, before these great desires can be fulfilled , before any of these great things can be manifested into living realities- the LAW must be seen, understood, and put into conscious operation and the purpose of this blog and the e-course that i am offering is to tell you HOW TO DO IT!
I have always seen a need for there to be something to fill this want for knowledge. From studying the lives of financially successful people it seems that financial success is not a matter of grind, and rush, and fight, and struggle. It seems to be more of a matter of getting into harmony with the LAW, and then following that LAW to it's logical conclusion. I will try my best to share the LAW here in this blog and the e-course, how to get in harmony with it- and what to do to keep in closest touch with it.
This information is by no means meant to be a magic potion as some would have you believe. It is just a plain statement of the LAW so that all who come here may read, and then act. He who acts will win success because he is following the LAW that has been laid down from time immemorial. whether you are rich or poor, successful or unsuccessful matters not this information will be of great value to you. if you are a natural money maker you have been using this LAW unconsciously, and this information will help you to use it consciously.
If you are unsuccessful and money seems not to be attracted to you this information will guide your thought and actions into the proper channels where you will be able to manifest the LAW and get the highest possible results.
so now that i have laid the foundations of what lies ahead, get your self a cup of your favorite beverage and pull your chair up to the table to partake of the nourishment that I will try to provide in the following posts. As they say the proof of the pudding is in the eating, so take a taste of this which has been gathered for your mental, physical, and financial well being.